Collage is a two-in-one solution combining good acoustics with a practical no...
An effective way to improve the acoustics of a room without having to change ...
Honey wall panel is a playful and modular wall panel that can be varied to fo...
With its design and non-traditional materials, IN THE GRID is a new accessory...
Nivå ceiling and wall-panel improves acoustics and its design makes it a feat...
With OFF THE GRID uspended from the ceiling, your room will get an extra desi...
Cloud shaped, effective sound absorbent for mouting on the ceiling. Can be ch...
The bulletin board for your documents. Attach documents with pins or magnets....
Tell-Us improves the acoustics and enhances the interior design with its 3D e...
TILES ECOSUND DESIGNED – provides a new set of design tools for sub-ceilings....
TILES ECOSUND improves the acoustics, emits no irritant fibres and is not aff...
En ljudabsorbent som förbättrar ljudabsorptionen och har ett stryktåligt tråd...
TILES EcoSUND Designed är en del av en hel familj med ljudabsorbenter för inn...
Genom att surfa vidare på vår hemsida och använda våra tjänster så godkänner du till att vi samlar in data om dina besök.
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