Changing station, dubble working area

Changing station, dubble working area

Changing station, dubble working area

Combining two Manuela changing tables with the washing bench, Tvättbänk Björk, provides a secure and convenient double workspace. As Manuela changing table is manually height adjustable (75-105cm), you can supplement Manulea with the practical ladder Stegen to avoid heavy lifting. The washing bench is equipped with 4 wire baskets, drainage components, and a mixer tap with pull-out shower. Changing tables are delivered with a phthalate-free mattress and high side barriers.

To avoid possible pinch injuries, it is very important to ensure there is enough space for a safety distance when installing changing tables with adjustable hight. Read more about current safety standard under the link Installation guide. 


Product family: Changing stations Product group: Lyfta
Main material: Wood Designed in: Sweden
Manufactured in: Sweden Width (mm): 2200
Depth (mm): 800 Weight (kg): 70.0
Publishing date: 18 oktober 2016 Installation instruction
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