


Utprovad kvalitet ökar säkerheten
Troax maskinskydd betyder säkerhet för människor och maskiner. Därför är det viktigt att du alltid känner dig trygg med oss och våra produkter. Vi testar systemen för att säkerställa funktionen och vår internationellt välkända kvalitet. Alla testade system, stolpar och paneler förses med symbolen ”Quality Assured”.

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule ST20

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule ST20

The Smart Fix wall performed well in the test and withstands the high energy ...

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Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule ST30

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule ST30

The Smart Fix wall performed well in the test and withstands the high energy ...

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Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule STPC

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule STPC

The Smart Fix wall with PC panels performed well in the test and withstands t...

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Testrapport - Smart Fix 1000 joule Door Safe Lock

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1000 joule Door Safe Lock

The Smart Fix door and the lock withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule Door Fortress

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule Door Fortress

The Smart Fix door and the lock withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Combi Fix 1000 joule ST20

Testrapport - Combi Fix 1000 joule ST20

The Combi Fix wall withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Combi Fix 1000 joule ST30

Testrapport - Combi Fix 1000 joule ST30

The Combi Fix wall withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Rapid Fix 1000 joule ST20

Testrapport - Rapid Fix 1000 joule ST20

The Rapid Fix wall withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Rapid Fix 1000 joule ST30

Testrapport - Rapid Fix 1000 joule ST30

The Rapid Fix wall withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Strong Fix 1600 joule Door Fortress

Testrapport - Strong Fix 1600 joule Door Fortress

The Strong Fix door and the lock withstands the high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Strong Fix 2500 joule ST30

Testrapport - Strong Fix 2500 joule ST30

The Strong Fix wall withstands the very high energy impact.

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Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule ST20, 1250x2

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule ST20, 1250x2

The Smart Fix double panel wall performed well in the test and withstands the...

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Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule Door New Safe Lock

Testrapport - Smart Fix 1600 joule Door New Safe Lock

The Smart Fix door and the new Safe Lock withstands the high energy impact.

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ISO Standarder

ISO Standarder

Standarder att följa för maskinskydd

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Excerpt from the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Excerpt from the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Excerpt from the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

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Your guide to better safe guarding

Your guide to better safe guarding

- Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC - ISO Standards and the updates to ISO 1412...

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Användarinstruktioner - Instructions for use
Broschyr Safety Guide EN
Broschyr Troax Cage EN

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