Rockfon CleanSpace Air is a high-quality, smooth white acoustic ceiling tile ...
Developed to meet the exacting standards of electronics and food processing i...
Complies with the stringent standards for cleanroom classification (ISO Class...
Rockfon CleanSpace Block is specifically designed for use in high-risk, air p...
Rockfon CleanSpace Essential has a white, gently cleanable, smooth surfa...
Rockfon CleanSpace Pro is a cleanable ceiling tile with good acoustic propert...
Rockfon CleanSpace Pure is a long-lasting acoustic ceiling tile solution that...
Rockfon® Industrial-produkterna ingår återigen i standardsortimentet
Rockfon Canva Island är en akustiklösning av stenull med avtagbar, utbytbar o...
Minskade minsta beställningskvantitet på Rockfons akustikundertak i färg.
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