Material specification for news advertisements.

We are glad that you choose to advertise with us!

On this page, you will find what we need from you.
If you have any questions regarding submission, materials or anything else, please contact your sales representative.

Material specification for the digital newsletter:

Small picture: 600x400 pixels. Visible in the newsletter and on the ByggfaktaDOCU's page.
Big pictures: Max 1200x600 pixels. Up to 5 pictures that will be shown in a slideshow.
The pictures should be attached separately, not inserted in the document.
Rubrik: 45 characters incl spaces.
Ingress: 80 characters incl spaces.
Brödtext: We recommend approximately 1000 characters, but we do not set a limit.
Video: We can embed video clips from Youtube or Vimeo if desired.
Call-To-Action: URL where we should direct visitors who want to learn more about you.

Send the material to
Please specify in the subject line, for example: "Material for newsletter week 10 from (Company name)."

We reserve the right to crop images and possibly abbreviate texts if this specification is not followed.

Contact information

Sales Caroline Weinberg Tel 0651-760 428
Lotta Swing Tel 0651-760 432
Jessica Jansson Tel 0651-552 577
Albin Ahlgren Tel 0651-552 583
Administration Magnus Skyttner Tel 0651-699 006
Josephine Fantenberg Tel 0651-552 536

Examples of previous newsletters.

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