Changing station, dubble working area

Changing station, dubble working area

Changing station, dubble working area

Tvättbänk Björk/Vit + Lyfta 80

Two Lyfta 80 (wall mounted or floor standing) changing tables, together with the washing bench, Tvättbänk Björk (wall mounted or floor standing), can provide a very smooth and safe workspace. The tables can be lowered almost all the way down to the floor (30-110cm) so children can easily climb up on the changing table from the floor. The washing bench is equipped with 4 wire baskets, drainage components, and a mixer tap with pull-out shower. These tables are delivered with a phthalate-free mattress and high side barriers. 

To avoid possible pinch injuries, it is very important to make ensure there is enough space for the safety distance required when installing changing tables with adjustable hight. Read more about current safety standard under the link Installationguide.


Product family: Changing stations Product group: Lyfta
Main material: Wood Designed in: Sweden
Manufactured in: Sweden Width (mm): 2200
Depth (mm): 800 Weight (kg): 136.0
Publishing date: 18 oktober 2016 Installation instruction
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